Adding a Wireless Connection


When setting up your robot you will eventually need to make the switch from hard-wired (Ethernet cable) to either 2.4ghz or 5ghz wireless chip. We suggest a 5ghz frequency as there is less interference from other common wireless systems e.g.: phones, laptops and other robots.

How To

Pre requisites

  • Raspberry pi (Model 2b)
  • 2.4ghz or 5ghz Wi-Fi module
  • Ethernet cable
  • A spare Ethernet port in you router

Basic Steps

  1. Plug in Ethernet cable to raspberry pi and router.
  2. Plug in Wi-Fi adapter to USB hub not directly to raspberry pi.
  3. Next open a lXTerminal.
  4. Next type dsemsg | grep usb.
  5. Search through the results until you find your Wi-Fi adapter you can tell it your adapter by the fact that it will say the manufacturer of your usb next to it
  6. Now type: apt-cache search firmware wireless
  7. Then look for the firmware that match your Wi-Fi chips brand.
  8. Now type: sudo apt-get install firmwareyour brand of Wi-Fi chip.
  9. Now you have downloaded the firmware you can start using your wireless dongle.


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Raspberry Pi Outline

Adding a Wireless Connection
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