2017 marks the first time that the RoboCupRescue Rapidly Manufactured Robot Competition has been held as an open competition. From the 27th to the 30th of July 2017, 10 high school teams from around the world came to Nagoya, Japan, to compete in the latest iteration of this research competition.
We would like to congratulate the award winners for 2017!
First Place: S.A.R.T., Australia
Second Place: Blue Storm Rescue, USA
Third Place: TUPAC, Japan
Open Source Innovation: S.A.R.T. Australia
In particular, please check out S.A.R.T.’s comprehensive documentation of the development of their system here!
The 10 teams came from around the world, bringing with them robots based both on the Open Academic Robot Kit as well as other designs. They were, in alphabetic order:
Blue Storm, Mercersburg Academy, USA
Equipe Nhão, Instituto Federal do Paraná, Brazil
GÊNESIS, IFTO – Campus Palmas, Brazil
King’s Legacy, Christ Church Grammar School, Perth, Australia
LabCombo, Dalian No.8 Senior High School, China
Magistry, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Educación Bilingüe, Mexico
S.A.R.T, St Francis Xavier College, Australia
Siegel, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina – Campus Criciúma, Brazil
Team AIT, Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan
TUPAC, Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology, Japan
As per last year, the competition was run according to the rules of the RoboCupRescue (Major) competition, with minimal changes as necessary to accommodate the smaller arena and to make the competition practical for high school students.
The final scores, as displayed and ratified at the final Team Leader Meeting, are available here!
For more photos, click here!
If your team is here and you want a link added to your materials, please let us know by sending email to info@oarkit.org from your team’s contact email address.